As a curator, my practice is defined by a steadfast dedication to concepts, interactions with scholarly essays, uplifting artists, a willingness to embrace and criticize Romanticism, and a commitment to expanding the boundaries of canonical art history.

Art is a vehicle for exploring the complex power of concepts. By curating exhibitions that delve into thought-provoking themes and narratives, I aim to spark intellectual engagement, foster dialogue, and ignite new perspectives throughout the contemporary art landscape. 

While recognizing the enduring allure of Romanticism, I am also keenly aware of its shortcomings and limitations. By simultaneously embracing and criticizing Romanticism, I strive to deconstruct and reassess its ideals, uncovering the nuanced complexities that lie beneath its surface. This critical engagement enables a deeper understanding of the movement's impact on art, culture, and society, fostering a more nuanced appreciation of its contributions while acknowledging its flaws.