Matthew Cortez: I Love You. I Love You? I Love You!

At Northwestern University’s Dittmar Memorial Gallery

September 8th - October 15th 2023

Love is a sentiment that many of us are familiar with, often through familial and romantic relationships. We are told that love is a warm fuzzy feeling, an emotion that is only felt with the strongest connections. With the complexities of people and their lives, love is often expressed through a wide range of actions, objects, and words. These expressions can range from pure to the spiteful and weaponizing of love. Love is as varied as the people who utilize it are; in perception, in fervor, and in truth.

From the mythological Cupid to the complications of parental relationships, investigating love is of prime importance as Cortez acknowledges a deficiency in understanding and experience with love. To unravel the ever-changing landscape of love, both externally and internally, he embarks on an endeavor that encompasses history, language, philosophy, and culture.

For more information visit the following links:

Dittmar Website

Northwestern Press Release

Daily Northwestern Article

Exhibition Documentation by Mikey Mosher

Reception Documentation by Lillian Heredia

Vinyl at the Northwestern University's Dittmar Gallery apart of Matthew Cortez's solo exhibition I Love You. I love You? I Love You!
Detail view of "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here" from the reception at Northwestern University
Exhibition view of Matthew Cortez: I Love You. I Love You? I Love You! solo exhibition at Northwestern University's Dittmar Gallery. This solo exhibition consists of conceptual work with an emphasis on sculpture and love.
The "I Love You Spiral" at Matthew Cortez's solo show at Northwestern University's Dittmar Gallery
"A Harsh Reality" at Northwestern University's Dittmar Gallery.
A magnet takeaway from Matthew Cortez's first solo exhibition at Northwestern University's Dittmar Gallery
Exhibition view of Matthew Cortez: I Love You. I Love You? I Love You! at Northwestern University's Dittmar Gallery. His first solo exhibition featuring sculptural and conceptual art.
Two viewers stand in front of an artwork by Matthew Cortez at Northwestern University's Dittmar Gallery
I love You Spiral detail view at Northwestern University
A group photo of artists and scholars at the reception of Matthew Cortez: I Love You. I love You? I Love You! Including Janhavi Khemka, Maddie May, Thuong Hoai Tran, Olya Salimova, Sarita Garcia, and Joseph Josue Mora.
A viewer looking upon "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here" at Matthew Cortez first solo exhibition at Northwestern University's Dittmar Gallery

Object List

Largest Wall (From Left to Right)

Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here, 2023

A Gift I Never Received, 2022

A Childhood Note, 2023

No Love Beyond This Point, 2023

Venus & Cupid; Mother & Son, 2023

Reference Number 1970.1002, 2023

My Love Steroid, 2022

Dear Cupid, 2023

Floor Space

I Love You Spiral, 2022

Shortest Wall (From Left to Right)

A Harsh Reality, 2023

An Exchange of Knowledge, 2021 - Ongoing


Heart Shaped Magnet

Exhibition Postcard

Business Card

Thank You.

To the (dis)interested passerby, the fellow artists, the dear friends, and supportive mentors. A final thank you amongst the flurry of “thank you”s you have already heard during the process of this exhibition and creating this work. The conversations, interactions, and critiques have furthered my own understanding of love, desire, and related notions, but also brought us together.

I hope you know how much it means to me.

I love you, sincerely.