A Gift I Never Received
12" x 12" x 12" - 2022
A Gift I Never Received is a tension-filled impossible object that is an imagined representation of a gift of unconditional love that has been collecting dust for the last twenty years as it is forgotten about in a corner. This piece stems from never feeling like I have received unconditional love, which is mostly associated with parents/family. I question if unconditional love exists in its entirety, maybe it escapes me. A melancholic object which one wants so desperately, but upon further contemplation begins to question its sincerity even if it was given all those years ago. The once bright white of the box has yellowed and darkened due to time and the dirty conditions of the basement. The same can be said for the drab muted pink of the heart shape on each side of the box, which was once a bright beautiful pink. The cellophane bow and acrylic gift tag are to further abstract its existence as well as provide tension with the structure of the box. The additions of transparency through the cellophane bow and acrylic tag is to cast doubt and uncertainty onto the original intentions of this gift.
Continuing to think on unconditional love and this object, I am conflicted on if this piece is “fair” to my parents. Is it unfair to expect everlasting love unconditionally? With that assumption am I taking away my parents agency?